

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Momma said there'd be days like this.

Even on a good day, I'm a slow writer. I read posts from other authors about the thousands of words they typed that day and I have to admit, I get a little disappointed in myself. I'm fortunate that I'm able to stay home and write all day if I want. Some of these authors pumping out 4000 words a day are working men and women/dads and moms.

I sit and think a lot about how to phrase things in my books. New ways to describe similar actions. I'm not the dumbest person in the world, but I'm also no genius. I have to admit the thesaurus is a wonderful tool, but even with that you run out of all the actual words that are used in the real word.
I've managed to get more than half way through Past Imperfect without one character contemplating anything or letting out a breath they didn't know they were holding. I'm pretty proud of that.  I want my stories to touch you, inspire you, make you think, deal with subjects that aren't always widely addressed, and hopefully give you a few laughs along the way.

Then there are days like today. When I go back and read what I've written and wonder if I'm repeating the same words over and over. I see the scene in my head, but for some reason the words aren't coming out on to the screen in the order they need to.  Mind you, this happens mostly when I'm writing inner dialogue or describing the setting. If I could write a book completely with dialogue only I would, but then that would be a play, and those are better seen than read.

So, why this post?  I needed to give my brain a break from the scene I've been working on today.  I sometimes keep my TV on, volume down, when I write. When I stop writing because a story about Justin Bieber or Pitbull catches my attention, then I know my head's not in the game. (btw-I can't figure out how I even know who Pitbull is.)

Did anyone watch Sons of Anarchy last night? That was cray cray good. I used to want to be Colleen hoover when I grew up. Now I want to be Colleen Hoover and Kurt Sutter. I could totally see Jax, Will, Holder, Daniel, and Breckin form their own MC, The Sons of Cootters. That doesn't exactly sound tough.

Okay, so I guess I'm done with my rambling for today. I've blogged two whole times this month. I might try to fit in one more before the month is over. MIGHT.

I'll be making an announcement soon regarding Present Perfect. (No, it as not been picked up by a publisher.)

Thanks for reading. Back to  writing!

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